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Applicateur de faux cils, 4118 - Donegal

Applicateur de faux cils, 4118 - Donegal — photo N1
Applicateur de faux cils, 4118 - Donegal — photo N2
CHF2.46 CHF0
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code de produit: 415182
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    Avis Traduit

    am working on, providing clear visibility and making it easier to target specific hairs. This is especially helpful when working in dimly lit areas or when dealing with fine, light-colored hairs that can be difficult to see. The LED light is conveniently located near the tips of the tweezers, ensuring that it shines directly on the targeted area.

    Furthermore, the perfect tweezers come with a convenient storage case. This not only keeps them protected from dust and damage, but it also makes them easy to find and access whenever I need them. The compact size of the case allows me to easily carry them in my bag or purse, making them perfect for travel or on-the-go touch-ups.

    Overall, I am extremely satisfied with the perfect tweezers. They have exceeded my expectations in every way and have become an essential tool in my beauty routine. The flawless design, precision performance, built-in LED light, and convenient storage case make them the perfect choice for anyone looking for high-quality tweezers. I highly recommend them to anyone in need of reliable and effective tweezers for their beauty needs.

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