
Bain de bouche sans alcool - Oral-B Pro-Expert Deep Clean

Bain de bouche sans alcool - Oral-B Pro-Expert Deep Clean — photo N1
CHF3.89 CHF0
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code de produit: 297503
500 ml
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  • Avis Traduit

    brushing experience. Unlike other toothpastes that can feel gritty or harsh, this one glides effortlessly across my teeth, making the process enjoyable and comfortable. It also foams up nicely, creating a satisfying and thorough cleaning sensation.

    Furthermore, I appreciate the fact that this toothpaste contains ingredients that are beneficial for my oral health. It includes fluoride, which helps strengthen my enamel and prevent cavities. Additionally, it is free from any harsh chemicals or artificial additives, ensuring a safe and natural product.

    In terms of packaging, this toothpaste comes in a sleek and convenient tube. The flip-top cap allows for easy dispensing and ensures that the toothpaste remains fresh and protected between uses. The size is also perfect for travel, fitting snugly into my toiletry bag without taking up too much space.

    Overall, I am highly impressed with this toothpaste. It has outperformed Colgate in every aspect, from its superior cleaning power to its refreshing flavor and smooth texture. With its oral health benefits and practical packaging, it has become my go-to toothpaste. I highly recommend giving it a try for a truly exceptional brushing experience.

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    Avis Traduit

    Ich war wirklich begeistert davon, da es mir nach der Anwendung ein angenehmes Gefühl von Sauberkeit und Frische verlieh.

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Livraison gratuite à partir de CHF 19 ! Produits toujours authentiques! Mundwasser - Oral-B Pro-Expert Deep Clean


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